Don't worry, this isn't going to be a super deep blog about getting in touch with your inner star or anything like that. But...I did discover something interesting about myself recently. I discovered a syndrome that I suffer from. Now...I'm not a hypochondriac...but I've had this "thing" that happens to me sometimes that I never understood. It's really hard to explain...but occasionally this weird thing happens to my legs (mostly in my right ankle) where it gets this really strange sensation at night when I'm going to bed. It doesn't hurt...it just feels REALLY uncomfortable, like I HAVE TO move it. They just feel really restless and I have these uncontrollable urges to move my legs. Really weird I know...and it's really annoying and keeps me up at night. In fact, the first night of camp it was the worst it's been. I couldn't fall asleep because of it, despite how tired I was...and on top of it, I was taking medication that sometimes causes insomnia. So I couldn't sleep, and decided to take a sleeping pill. Well...that was a BAD decision. Something went crazy in my body and every time I was close to falling asleep my body would start convulsing uncontrollably. It was the weirdest/scariest thing ever...and not sleeping at all the first night of summer camp is never a good thing...
Anyway, so this has been going on for years...and I never knew what it was. In fact, I kind of thought it was because of old ankle injuries from gymnastics or because of shin splints that I had in gymnastics...BUT Friday night Jared and I were watching TV, and a commercial came on for a medication that treats....get this...RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME or
RLS. Can you believe it? It's an actual syndrome...and it can be improved! I'm just really glad that I'm not crazy. Well...I guess it kind of does make me crazy...because it is a neurological disorder... awww man.
But at least I'm not alone in the world.