This blog should really be called THING you wish you could see...because I am only going to share with you one.
You wish you could see my celebration moment after I earn 4 stars on a Guitar Hero song. Mind you...I am by myself...and it always includes a combination of a "YEEESSSSS!!!!" in a deep chest voice, an arm pump repeated at a minimum of 4 times, some variation of a lunge, and usually a couple of dance moves.
This is something you wish you could witness...I however, am very glad you aren't here to witness because I'm very certain that it would result in my complete and utter humiliation.
What do you do that you are very glad people aren't around to witness?
maybe we can compare guitar hero celebrations sometime? I also think i would like to see more blogs/pictures of lil Dustin. He makes me laugh.
I like to club baby seals.
I think I have seen something like this celebration...if I am imagining it correctly?!
I like to talk to myself when no one's around...I also like to dance...a lot.
i'm pretty sure everyone wishes they could see your al gore clues during celebrity. i know i wanna see them again. =)
Singing and dancing in the car with Alanna is something I would be MORTIFIED if someone else saw...
Oh wait... I think they probably did.
my sleep walking
I like to sing super loud when im home alone...and i throw in a few sweet dance moves (:
most of the time when i listen to music in my room i play drums.
and i don't just mean i play drums.
i PLAYYY drums.
headbanging and all.
2 good things about this blog
1. guitar hero blgos are always one of my favorites. Although I'm kind of in a fight with guitar hero because I've been stuck on 75% on "The Sword" on expert for 2 weeks.
2. Your Peter Crouch robot dance goal celebration picture. Jared and I are very proud of this. He's such an awkward human being, but he scores goals for England, so I like him.
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