Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Wedding Progress

Well...I've been asked to blog more...and give an update on my wedding planning. I didn't want to be that girl that has nothing better to talk about than her wedding...but I did want to let you know what's been going on. So here's what we've gotten done so far.

1. Set a date and place:
Friday, May 16th at Rancho Capistrano.

2. Booked a photographer.
Her name is Melissa Slater and she is so good. I'm so excited about her. She also shot Amber and Jordan Slaybaugh's wedding. You can see her work on her website

3. Designed our "Save the Date" postcards.
I'm sending most of them out today. By far the hardest part of wedding planning so far, is trimming down the guest list. When you work in ministry you just know too many people. So let me just say...if we couldn't invite you...we love you dearly...and we are SO sorry!

4. Booked the Honeymoon!
2 nights at the Montage (Thanks to Julie! Still trying to figure out how to pay for that though :)
5 nights in Jamaica
5 nights in New York city...including a Yankee Game, Mets Game, Broadway show, and The Daily Show.

5. Bought and ordered a dress.
We bought a dress last Friday at Mon Amie and I love it. It's so pretty. AND it was the second cheapest dress in the WHOLE store...which has thousands of dresses. I was really proud of that fact...although it's still way too expensive...but what can you do?

I think that's the process so far...still need the florist and DJ and bridesmaids dresses and a million other details too. But we'll get there. I'm meeting with the florist on Monday.

So I'll do my best to keep you updated. All 2 of you who check my blog :) And I'll also try and be better about blogging in I can find other things to talk about besides the wedding.


Erin Brady said...

I need to see your dress. I need to go shopping with you for our dresses. I love the save the date cards. The location is absolutely beautiful. You are beautiful. Jamacia is beautiful.

I am so excited :)

Julie Hibbard said...

Yeah!! I feel better knowing all the details now! This is a great way to keep track of everything too! You will be will get it all done! Yeah! Thanks for updating us all!

Allison said...

I love it!
Please let me know if I can help you at all...I think you should have David Hughes and Jared Slaybaugh DJ...

Jordan said...

Wow, Alanna, you've already gotten so much done! Your wedding is going to be just gorgeous! And Jamacia and New York, that's so exciting! I'm so excited for you two! (:

Jordan said...

Oh and also, my sister just got married in October, so if you need any help with anything, please ask me!

Annie Smith said...

if ya want me to join you at the florist.. im free. :) love you

Heather Leith said...

and she thinks only two people read her blog...
HAH. little do you know, you have a fan base.

sunshine said...

this is sooooooooooo great.


tal said...

ahhhhhhhh weddings make me soooooo happy!

Hayden Copes said...

you guys planned the most epicly awesome honeymoon ever

yazz said...

HEY if you want to order bridesmaid dresses J. Crew has some great ones....and I have a discount there. :-)