Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dear Rwanda

I'm on my way. I can't wait to meet you!


Sunday, July 08, 2007


Everyone loves blogging about 07/07/07. Yesterday Jared's cousin got married on 07/07/07. On the chairs they put a little fun fact sheet about the number 7. One of the things they claimed was that when asked to pick a number between one and ten, most people pick seven. I would like to see some evidence for this. I would NEVER pick seven. I'm more of an even numbered girl myself. At my table, no one said that they would pick 7. So now my question is to you...

Pick a number between 1 and 10. What is it? 7?

Saturday, July 07, 2007


Jared and I spent most of the day yesterday in San Diego, hanging out in the Gaslamp District and going to a Padres Game. Here's some things I learned.

1. San Diego is such a cool city. I haven't spent much time there but I learned that I really like it.

2. Petco Park is the sweetest baseball stadium that I've ever been too. They have a park in the park, and they included an old historic building in the design on the stadium (see picture below).

3. Mascots are really fun. The whole reason we went down there was to see the Famous San Diego Chicken. He's so fun, and by far the best part of the whole game. (the game was pretty boring with the Padres losing 7-4)

Here's some pictures.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Welcome, Taffy

Welcome Taffy to the world of blogging!

Taffy has started blogging. You should all go check out his blog. He randomly capitalizes words that don't make sense at all...but he's Taffy, and he's great, and his blog is too. So read

I can't decide

I can't decide which one I liked better....

Did you see them? Which did you like better?