Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Same Side Sitters

Tonight I went to dinner at CPK and during the course of my meal, I had to endure observing, not one, but TWO different SSS. You know what I'm talking about...couples who insist on sitting at the same side of the table. Let me list a few reasons (among many) why this is socially unexceptable and probably one of the most annoying things on the planet.

1. It SCREAMS of insecurity. If you can't bear to not touch your boyfriend or girlfriend for an hour while you eat a meal, please, please go see a counselor...I know a good one...Dr. Hooker...can't go wrong with a psycologist with the last name know SHE'S dealt with her inferiority complex.
2. Restaurants are for eating and having conversation. Isn't it easier to have a conversation when you are looking at the person? The answer is yes.
3. SSS will result in neck problems and multiple chiropractic bills. If you do SSS and try to have a conversation you have to twist your neck in ways that I'm sure must cause damage.

4. You have higher odds of making out during your meal. There's nothing worse than people who make out at a restaurant.

5. It's just not Feng Shui.

Bottom's annoying and awkward and wierd and if you participate in this practice, there's a pretty good chance I won't be your friend.

Note to reader: Another practice that will keep you from being my friend is listening to Nickelback and/or Creed.


Julie Hibbard said...

I thought Nickleback WAS Creed. I have never SSS, but I thought I might someday.
Better call dr. hooker and see what she thinks!

Allison said...

Mom, did you see this? DON'T LISTEN to Nickelback!

Alanna...I would agree about the S3. No good can come of it.

Josh(ua) Treece said...

Alana, welcome back to the blogosphere. For the record, I too am totally against SSS and always will be. It totally impedes my ability to have a conversation.