Sunday, June 24, 2007

good intentions

You know what the worst thing is? When things done with really good intentions end up causing so many problems. This has happened to me and by me a few too many times this week. Including tonight (well this morning) when I came home at 1:15 AM and still needed to pack for staff retreat...a problem in itself. Well, when I came home and went upstairs, I saw that my mom had cleaned my room...well, straightened it up...meaning she put all the clothes on my floor in piles in hidden corners, because someone was coming to look at the house. So you see the dilemma. It was a very nice gesture, with wonderful intentions, and I appreciate it a whole bunch...but it is now 2:30 AM and what would have taken me 10 minutes to pack, has now taken an hour because I had to search for all of my clothes. What a bust. Oh well I can go to sleep now, and feel assured that I will get plenty of sleep in the next couple days. And let me just say, it is SO incredibly needed. In the past 90 hours, I've only spent 12 of them sleeping. That's about an average of 3.5 hours of sleep a day. Oh comfy bed at Esmeralda, I look forward to you.


chaseonaplane said...

yes i've had some "best intentions that cause problems" issues myself lately. and don't sweat it on 3.5 hours a night. that's what i get and look how it stunted my growth.

Jared Moine said...

You don't need any sleep, your done growing!

Chris T (alanna's mom) said...

Hummmm...No comment at this time...

Luke St.Hilaire said...

one time my mom got me a salty bible when i was in 7th grade

i feel your pain