Monday, June 18, 2007

things you will see on a typical day in LA

1. A british pub on the beach.
2. A cowboy
3. A woman in disguise.
4. A woman sunbathing topless
5. An albino lady with pink hair.
6. A tiny asian man balancing plates on his foot
7. Joey Lawrence
8. Christian men with crazy beards.
9. 4 different people who play the drums mediocrely and think if they play in the middle of the street, people will pay them.
10. Teenage boys in hot pink hotpants.

Did I leave anything out?


ali said...


Allison said...

Did you say WHOA! Joey Lawrence!

Songbird. said...
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Songbird. said...

Oh my gosh LA is the best place to play "Your Team!"
I've seen and experienced many...exotic things and people to say the least. Have you ever seen or heard of Angyline Angelyne? She was definitly was in the car next to me on the way to a Mika concert. She was put on my team...i was mad. But I do like her car a lot.

cephalothorax said...

i am pretty certain you left out mediocre and probably slightly crazy clarinet players.
there are a lot of those.