Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I'm so sorry faithful blog readers, or should I just say Allison. I know I've been a very poor blogger...but in my defense this has been the first day that I've had internet access since I got back from Rwanda...let's just say that Cox Communications is incompetent. Anyway, I'm back and I promise to have some good posts up soon. Some things you may or may not be seeing on here in the next couple days:

1. Rwanda highlights and pictures
2. Hume highlights and pictures
3. Moving out of my house

Anyway, to hold you over, you can look at all of the pictures I took in Rwanda on this link


Julie Hibbard said...

I thought perhaps you stayed in Rwanda! Good to have you back. I for one can't wait to read you again!

Sara Flynn said...

Where are you moving???

I'm moving mid-september...and it's not just Allison - I read your blog too....

And dude, so stoked that you loved Rwanda...I know you did!