Tuesday, August 28, 2007

My Summer in Numbers

6: Prescription medications taken
4: Countries I was in
9: Rooms I slept in
36: Days I lived out of a suitcase
9: Days in the office
1: Ipods lost or stolen
46: Hours spent flying
6: modes of transportation
2,832: Pictures taken
2: Islands visited
21: Nights I slept with Shea
5: trips taken
3: Sunburns
19: Species of Wild animals seen
5: hours spent digging in the dirt
26,276: dollars held in my hand at one time

It's been a very eventful summer!


Allison said...

Oh, this is fun! I love this post...
I've missed your face...let's have lunch sometime soon!

kayla rae said...

Very busy summer!

Could you please post the pictures you took today, on your Flickr account? Whenever you can get around to it is fine...thanks!

Allison Murray said...

25 minutes waiting for me to show up for lunch?
still sorry about that.
super fun lunch though...we need to do that more often.

David T. Ulrich said...

this is an incredibly original post.

i applaud you for that.

post script:
i decided to blog again.

hurray life.

chaseonaplane said...

i got my iPod stolen too! maybe they're in technology heaven playing the goofie movie soundtrack over and over.