Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So little time...

I have a day off on Friday...and it is much needed. If you didn't know, we opened the Refinery this weekend...which meant long hours of preparation and hard labor and creativity. Thus, I'm exhausted this week for the worship conference. I haven't had time to blog all the craziness of the past couple weeks...but I did capture it in pictures. Check out my flickr site to see all the mayhem of Refinery opening, graduations, worship conference, etc.

Anyway, I have a much needed day off on Friday. Here's all the things I'd like to/need to do on this day.

1. Write and send thank you cards for wedding gifts.
2. Blog about all the stuff that's gone on the last month
3. Spend some time in the Bible
4. Lay by the pool
5. Get a pedicure
6. Sleep in
7. Spend time with friends and students and family that I haven't seen in a while.
8. Return all the duplicate wedding gifts
9. Spend our gift certificates
10. Order prints from photos from the last 6 months...
11. Choose the pictures that will be in our wedding album
12. Decorate our apartment
13. Work on graduation presents for my girls.
14. Play some Mario Kart
15. Watch the last 3 episodes of LOST that I missed in wedding/honeymoon craziness

Now, that's OBVIOUSLY too much to do in one day off. What should I be sure to do?

1 comment:

Allison said...

I think you do these...in this order:

5 and 7 simultaneously
3, 4, 7 and 1 simultaneously
7, 8 and 9 simultaneously