Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wedding Photos

Our photographer emailed us with an online proofing website to see all of our pictures from our wedding. They're so great! I can't wait to pick which ones will make it to our album.

If you were a part of our should probably look through them because they are really cute...and you might be in some of them. Or if you just like sweet wedding pictures, or'll probably enjoy them too.

Here's how you view them:

Go to her website then click on "client proofing" then enter the password: moine (all lower case). You can look at her favorites that have all been touched up already...or ALL of the pictures from the day...which you're more likely to see yourself. You can also order prints if you like. They are a little pricey...but it's a professional photographer...what do you expect?

And if you're getting married...or want family pictures or anything like that...I recommend her. She's great!


Mariah Snyder said...

Alanna!!! You are so dang beautiful!!! great pics!!! :)

Elyse said...

Wow what an amazing photographer!!! You look BEAUTIFUL in every picture!!!!!