Friday, July 25, 2008

My favorite thing...

I just realized that I never blogged about this little gem. (or much of anything...i know). Anyway...I've watched this video at least 20 times...and you need to watch it. She's my favorite. I mean I'm a little embarrassed for her... All I've got to say is that I'm so glad I didn't have access to a digital video recorder that was easy to operate. When I was a kid...this is what our family camcorder looked like.

I'm just glad that youtube didn't exist when I was a kid...cuz I would be JUST like this little girl. I and my friends had a choreographed ROLLER SKATE dance to Diamonds and Pearls by Prince. Now that would be embarrassing because I totally would have broadcast it on youtube. In fact I know my mom has videos of me dancing to Paula Abdul... So...doglover199709....I feel you. Please watch her...over and over. She'll warm your heart. Be sure to note her use of flickering lights, props, awesome beanbag jumps, kicks, and her belly.


Heather Leith said...

yes! jordan is spreading like wildfire!

Allison said...

I'm not sure which I love more: watching her or watching people do an impression of her!

Sidney said...

I found this forever ago and still watch it everyday. Probably the most halarious thing I have ever seen in my entire life. Anyway, just found your blog through heather... hope thats alright.