Monday, February 19, 2007

Emotional Health

I love it when I find books that preach what I preach. Ha ha ha. Jared put it...I just like feeling right. :)

But anyway, Julie Hibbard recommended a book called "Falling in Love for all the Right Reasons". And since I love learning about relationships and what makes them work or not work...I decided to pick it up...and one for Annie too.

Let me tell's a great book! I highly recommend it to anyone in a relationship or thinking about being in one. I also recommended it to my high school girls...I think it's great stuff for them to learn too!
I'm gonna share a little bit about what I'm learning.

There's a chapter called "The Quality of Your Self-Conception" and it's about how you have to get yourself emotionally healthy before getting into a relationship. Something I couldn't agree with more...both from observations and from personal experience. Let me read you a little bit of it.

"If you try to build intimacy with another person before you have done the hard work of getting yourself whole and healthy, all your relationships will become attempts to complete yourself. Moreover, if you are not healthy yourself, you will almost always attach yourself to another person in hopes of validating your self-worth."

"The relationship between two people can be no healthier than the emotional health of the least healthy person."

I seriously agree so much! I totally believe that the only reason Jared and I have a great relationship is because we both worked out our own crap before dating each other. It's so important. So if you are considering getting into a relationship make sure you are ready to be in one.
Stay tuned...I'm sure I'll blog more about this book!


Julie Hibbard said...

So glad you are enjoying it! I think it's excellent!

TheHuntsAreRad said...

tap tap reading it next!!