Sunday, September 16, 2007

The week of JT

This might be some what embarrassing to admit, but on Wednesday I will be seeing Justin Timberlake in concert for the 13.5th time. (The .5 is for "The Kids Choice Awards" which I went to for the soul purpose that 'NSYNC was advertised as performing there, and they performed "via satellite." What a BUST! Although we did meet Danny Tamberelli that night! So not a total loss!!!) Anyway, I'm seeing Justin on Wednesday...and I'm so I've self imposed an all Justin all week festival. Which really isn't that impressive because really it's just consisting of listening to only Justin on my ipod this week. Although Ali and Erin are spray painting T-shirts which also sounds like fun. Ha ha ha.

AND...I just talked to Dillon who is literally feet from Justin, VIP at the concert right now. I really don't know a time when I have ever been more jealous. What can I say, Justin brings out the 16 year old girl in me.


Julie Hibbard said...

Was that the night you were with Stephanie Brom? THOSE were the days!
Dillon was at the JT concert? OUR Dillon? What the heck?
Have fun no matter what! He's hot!

Allison said...

Danny Tamberelli! Danny Tamberelli!
You love him...

Oh...and JT brings out the 16-year old girl in me, too!

Chris T (alanna's mom) said...

Actually Alanna if I remember correctly, it wasn't JT that you were in love with and REALLY thought you were going to was JC!!!!
You're so fickle!