Sunday, July 09, 2006

the Lord wants me to be rich

I never ever have been a person to ever say, "I want to be rich when I grow up." But...this weekend I've been house-sitting...and not only has it been good to have a place to myself...I have THIS view to wake up to. So as I was laying out, with the cool breeze and beautiful scenery...I had an epiphany...the Lord wants me to be rich, cuz how much closer would I be to Him if I had this view everyday of my life? I think I'd be a better Christian if I were filthy rich...that whole camel through the eye of a needle thing...yeah right. I don't buy it.

BTW...(by the way)...I'm 96% kidding.

But I don't want to live in a sweet house like this if I'm by myself...cuz I'm a little scared being here all alone....there's so many windows! I know, I know, how old am I?

1 comment:

Allison said...

I'm totally with you on the scared thing. I was thinking last night about how scared I would be to house sit a big house alone...and how brave you were to do it.
I guess I spoke too soon.