Saturday, August 05, 2006

Conquering my fears...

I did the most random thing last night...I went to the circus. I was a little apprehensive cuz I absolutely hate a lot. But luckily we sat very high up so that the clowns couldn't spot me in the crowd. This is good because the last time I went to the circus was when I went with TLC (the after school program not the hip-hop trio) and we were in the front section where the clowns go up and down the aisle!!! So scary... In fact, the last time I shoved a kid into the aisle when the clowns came up so I could be safe in the middle of the row. Needless to say...the cheap seats are fine by me.

Anyway, the circus was so much fun! I really felt like a little kid...and I also learned some useful

1. Elephants are the only animal with 4 knees.
2. Elephants are pregnant for 22 months (well only the female ones of course)
3. You can do anything as long as you use your imagination. (I really wonder how many kids went home that night and tried to jump off their balconies...or set their dogs on fire...) I'll show you some pictures.

Captions for pictures are as follows:
1. Mike, Me, Annie (Mike and I are matching yes.)
2. Some elephants...
3. Someone taking a picture of the elephants with a camera phone from the 400 section (probably a good chance that one didn't turn out)
4. Ishii family bonding time.

All in all, I give the circus 2 thumbs up.


The Ish said...

They were probably just practicing for a show in Chinatown where they use everything that's illegal (including turtles) to battle the people from Jewish town and Africa town.

Annie Smith said...

hoorrayy i love the elephant pic..the little cute one at the end!