Wednesday, August 02, 2006

it's not a dog, you freak.

Tonight I saw my neighbor walking his cats. Yes, he had two cats on leashes...and he was taking them for a walk. Maybe it's just me...but I don't really think this is normal...are you with me on this?


Jared Moine said...

He must have really dumb cats to be walked. most cats would never let a human control them. that's why i love dogs so much, there like play-dough, moldable and stick to ya!

alli(son) said...

wow. i guess some people just dont understand certain concepts in life...

The Ish said...

You think that's bad...I've seen a guy at church who's modified a stroller so his cat can sit in it...that's bad. He makes your neighbor look perfectly sane.

Josh Peters said...

perhaps the cats were walking the man? Hmm...

David Hughes said...

i used to have a pink leash for my rabbit named scamper.

but i don't really wanna talk about it now that i think about it :(