Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Nada Surf

Leaving your phone at home sucks. I did today. When I got home tonight I had 16 missed calls. Yikes!

I also hope that you got my obscure connection.

Monday, May 28, 2007

A day of bittersweetness...

Today in the life of my blog is a day of bittersweetness. I was starting to get dumb comments on my posts from people who are not actually people...Bitter.

Perhaps this means that my blog is getting enough traffic that someone feels it would be beneficial to advertise in my comments area...Sweet.

Thus, I've added a word verification to my comments...Bittersweet.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

Today officially begins blogging season for Jared and all others who adhere to the blogging schedule. So he now is back in the blogging world. Hooray! I also designed his template...check it out.

Friday, May 25, 2007

REALLY Hillsong???

REEEAAALLLLY Hillsong? Really? You chose to end your sweet worship concert with "All Day"??? REALLY? C'mon now. Really?

REALLY Hillsong? You couldn't have come up with better lyrics than, "I will read my Bible and pray."??? REALLY?

REALLY Hillsong? Of all the songs you've ever written, you decided that, "All Day" was the best representation of your worship? And you chose to close out your WHOLE night with that song? REALLY?

To hear this song that I HIGHLY doubt God even gets enjoyment out of click here

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I'm not mad...

I'm just dissappointed.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I say the darndest things...

I found my "All About Me" book that we made in Mrs. Ambellan's kindergarten class. I was a pretty interesting little girl. There was one page in the book that was dedicated to H.A.B.I.T.S....just plain habits. I thought my answers were pretty interesting.

A bad habit I have is: Biting my nails
A good habit I have is: Going potty before I get in the bathtub.

And I would just like you all to know that I have since then dealt with and conquered my bad habit while consistently maintaining my good habit. So you can all rest easy tonight knowing that I don't pee in the bathtub.

Thank you and goodnight.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Kids say the darndest things...

Bill Cosby would highly enjoy my brother. Thanks to Hayden for teaching my brother some new phrases. All the way home tonight he was saying his two new favorite phrases.

1. You're kiwwing me Waarwy! (You're killing me Larry)

2. Sup baby Gull?! (Sup baby girl)

In other Dustin news, he's in the middle of being potty trained and so I really wanted him to be potty trained before my parents came home. So I've been asking him a lot if he has to go potty. So today here's a little bit of our interaction.

Alanna: Dustin, do you have to go pee pee?

Dustin: No.

(2.5 mins later)

Dustin: I have to go pee pee.

Alanna: You have to go pee pee? Let's go.

(Dustin freezes)

Dustin: No. I'm GOING pee pee.

So much for that goal.

Friday, May 18, 2007


It was Shea's birthday 3 months ago. So therefore, her birthday party was tonight. We went roller skating. I don't remember the last time I went... but it was very fun. I am watching my brother this little Dustin came too. He only made it around one lap though. Ha ha ha. Here are some pictures.
When I showed Dustin this picture, I said, "look...there you are in your skates." he said, "Yeah, I was scared." Cute.
Cake Fight

When Dustin saw this picture he said, "Oh there's Ali. She's my favorite." Then when he saw a picture of Shea, he said, "There's Shea...she's my favorite too." Then when he saw a picture of Hillary he said, "Hillary is not my favorite." Sorry Hillary!


Babraham Lincoln and the Silky Gams.

the smell of nostalgia

I want you to do an experiment. Look around you and pick up the first book that you find. Don't even bother to note the title. Don't read the rest of this blog until you have a book in your hand...preferably a paperback book. Do you have a book in your hand? No? Ok...I'll wait. Do do do do do do do DO do do do do do do (Jeopardy theme case you didn't pick up on the universal tune for waiting.) got that book? Good. Ok. On with the experiment. Close your eyes. Smell the pages. Fan the pages and give them a good strong sniff.
Ok...what book do you smell?

For's Where the Red Fern Grows. The smell of every paperback book brings me back to when I first realized my love for books. Brings me right back to Billy Colman, and Big Dan and Little Ann. Thank you Wilson Rawls.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Your Name in a song

We played a really fun game in the green room today. You have to try and insert a name in a song. It's kind of hard to explain but hopefully the examples will make you laugh and help you understand it.

Let's waste time, JASON cars.

SHAUN, like yesterday is SHAUN.

Once, twice, three times ALANNA.

Whoomp JARED is.

I'm hot, NIKKI sweet, from my head to my feet, yeah.

And even when all hope is gone, ALLISON, ALLISON, just to make it through.

I drive these brothers crazy, I do it on the KALEIGH.

They see me rollin', and HAYDEN.

Let's GARRETT on...leeeeetttt'sss GARRETT on.

I'm going, going, back, back, to Alli, Ali.

Do doon doon, JitterDOUG. (*snap, *snap)

SHEA, SHEA, you, you, I don't like your PORTLAN.

TORI, TORI, send your TORI... my TORIous.

You make me wanna LALAGUE, in the kitchen on the floor, I'll be your french JADE, when I meet you at the door.

I wanna BROCK and roll all night...and MATTY everyday!

CHASE I call your name, O won't your smile fall over me.

I'm STEVEN on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be JACK again.

It's ERIN up my heart when I'm with you...

Hit me with your best SCOTT, why don't you hit me with your best SCOTT.

TAFFY birthday to you...TAFFY birthday to you...

and her heart is GREGing in front of me...I have no choice...

can you think of some more good ones? Put your name in a song. It's really fun. It makes a great game to play in the car.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My celebrity sighting today.

Today at the CPK in Mission Viejo Erin Brady and I saw a couple of big time celebrities. Needless to say we were a little starstruck...but they really seemed like a couple of really down to earth guys. Maybe you recognize them from their roles as hecklers Statler and Waldorf on the Muppets.

In other news. while playing Dutch Blitz at Denny's tonight...some random high school boys came and screamed and banged on our window and scared the living snot out of me.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

shut out!

I hadn't been to a day game in a long time...but today I got to go to the Angel Game. It was a good time...although my shoulders are a little red. Here are some highlights:

1. Seeing a few foul ball when a husband just let a ball hit his wife in the head. Jerk.
2. Coming during the 3rd inning, just in time to see like 5 runs in two pitches including a home run.
3. Seeing someone fall down the stairs while trying to catch a ball.
4. The cookie sandwich of very favorite part of baseball games!

Here's some photos...

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Girls are Crazy!!!!!

All this rant and screaming and vandalism....all because a guy told her she wasn't the prettiest girl in the whole world.

Girls...get a hold of those emotions and insecurities...seriously...this is NOT normal.

And Brooke...did you really think you were the MOST pretty girl in the whole wide world? C''re pretty...but there's a lot of people in the world.

Dear Togo's:

Thank you for making me feel even shorter than I already feel on a regular basis. Thank you for making your counters so high that I have to stand on the little slanty thing just to see the person making my sandwich. Thank you for playing up my insecurities and humbling me every time I want a sandwich. Next time just call me ugly.

Sincerely yours,

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

What are the odds?

Tonight, on my way home from ABS I was listening to my ipod on usual. And 2 Kenny Chesney songs came on in a row! I thought that was very improbable. I mean....what are the odds?

Well the odds of one kenny chesney song is 7/3425.
Then the odds of the next one being a kenny chesney song is 6/3424.

Therefore, the odds of two kenny chesney songs in a row would be 7/3425 x 6/3424.

Which is: 42/11727200

which is: 21/586300

Which is: 0.000036

I think we witnessed a really miraculous event tonight!

Thanks you for reading my nerdiest blog yet.

Monday, May 07, 2007

100 things I love and hate

Here is a list of some of my favorite and least favorite things. They are totally random and mixed up and you need to figure out which ones I love and which ones I hate. If you know me at all it shouldn't be too hard.

1. taking pictures
2. Red tide
3. golden spoon
4. Almonds topping
5. drawing
6. painting
7. tomatos
8. tea
9. photoshop
10. lying
11. chunky peanut butter
12. my brother
13. my mom
14. tomato soup
15. rocky road ice cream
16. tamales
17. boy
18. baseball games
19. sudoku
20. cooked fish
21. raw fish
22. Babraham Lincoln and the Silky Gams
23. Sponteneity
24. Finding a cold spot in the sheets
25. God
26. snakes
27. Justin Timberlake
28. 'n sync
29. poloroids
30. Sharpie Markers
31. text messaging
32. Africa
33. smokers
34. Only having to get 40% on the final in order to get an A in the class.
35. Evanesence
36. depth of field
37. traveling
38. flying
39. living by myself
40. me
41. Dancing in my room
42. John Mayer
43. Heroes
44. Jim Halpert
45. camping
46. Peeps
47. Madonna singing
48. Madonna acting
49. formal weddings
50. Nickreedback
51. Sputure
52. The goofy movie
53. Steve Finley
54. Cracker Barrell
55. Playing Cards
56. people who require a read receipt when they send you an email
57. People who Reply to All
58. the Cars
59. geographically convenient relationships
60. floating in the pool
61. carpooling
62. Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles
63. Fast Food Burgers
64. making ugly faces in pictures.
65. hot dogs
66. hot dogs at baseball games
67. my job
69. Disneyland
70. Otter Pops
71. fireplaces
73. Planet Earth
74. Gushers
75. Rice Crispy Treats
76. Asparagas
77. This blog......
78. picnics
79. spelling mistakes
80. licking envelopes
81. Clowns
82. Overhearing soccer moms debate the war in iraq
83. Target
84. Saddleback College
85. Saddleback Church
86. side sitters
87. Mall Picture studios
88. "silly boys, trucks are for girls" stickers
89. Dumb and Dumber
90. Tripping in public
91. People who say "da bomb" or "You rock"
92. video montages in spiderman 3
93. all the competition reality shows on Bravo (top design, shear genius, etc.)
94. Myspace Bulletins
95. gas prices
96. Peppino's in Lake Forest
97. sneezing
98. Coughing
99. T-shirts that say things to the person reading it (ie. I just do what the voices in my head tell me to do)
100. People who talk in IM Lingo (ie. WTF, LOL, etc.)

This took a long time. Happy 100th Blog to me!

Are we similar???

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My 100th Blog!!!

is NOT this one.

This is my 99th blog.

However, I would like to take the following suggestions:

1. What should be the subject/title of my 100th blog?

2. What should I do to celebrate this momentous occasion?

Feel free to give your suggestions. If I don't blog for a little bit, it's due to the fact that I am giving you faithful blog readers a chance to come up with a brilliant idea for my 100th blog...that AND...the next couple of days are kind of crazy for me too.

So...get to suggesting please!!!

Sincerely yours,
