Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm sorry, but I don't really feel bad for idiots.

So...I come home tonight at about 1:30 or so...and there's 2 cop cars on my street with lights flashing...this is the second night in a row that the people next door had a party...parents are out of know. My mom is a bit nosy and convinced me to go out on the balcony with her to find out what's going on. Not one of my prouder moments...but it was worth it when parents started coming to pick up their kids. This dad that came to pick up his daughter was Mr. Calm and Collected until they were done talking to the cops...then he unleashed on his 15 year old drunk skanky daughter. BTW...she's not allowed to get her license, and she's on lock-down and is BUSTED. I know this because he yelled it at a decibel level that exceeded that of the party, I'm sure. It was awesome! me insensitive, but I don't really feel all that bad for the poor girl. If your gonna be 15, show up at a party, get wasted, start a fight and get the cops called on you...I think I'd rather you not have your license either.

But the best part was that my mom called the house...#1 to make sure everyone was ok, cuz the kid that lives next door was being handcuffed and put in the cop car...and #2 cuz she's nosy, and #3 she wanted to make sure they didn't think SHE was the one who called the cops...oh my mom...gotta love her. Anyway, turns out they called the cops cuz a fight broke out or mom talked to the very intoxicated older brother (with 2 broken ribs apparently) who's like 25...and who BTW got my mom's cell number from the phone awesome would it be if he drunk dialed my mom later? Oh... I hope it happens.


Luke St.Hilaire said...


next time, just call the cops yourself. the second they get a little noisy. just go for it. it feels great

your mom sounds like a stand up citizen

Jared Moine said...

I was wondering what those Cop cars were doing, we drove by and I thought to myself, that would be funny if it had something to do with Alanna. glad it did!