Saturday, April 21, 2007

more like..."In the Land of Crazy People"

Seriously...this movie not only gave us women a bad rap. These women in the land that seth cohen visits, consists of a crazy elderly woman who answers the door with no pants on, a dying middle-aged mom who makes out with 26 year olds, and a 16 year old emotional wreck who also makes out with 26 year olds. All of which puke emotional vomit in the form of their deep dark secrets with a stranger. I don't know about you ladies...but I don't really have much in common with those women...except the kissing 26 year old guys (ok...well 25 1/2) :)

Dear Men: Not all women are passive aggresive emotional nut-jobs. A lot are...but not all of them in the land.

Best part of the movie: Party the background is this awkward little asian kid that looks like Chase Ishii. It made me laugh.


joanna (: said...
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joanna (: said...

I don't know if I can appreciate you anymore, Alanna.
How could you say such a horrid thing to such a movie?

Mel East said...

omg I am never seeing that movie

Luke St.Hilaire said...

"not all women are passive aggressive emotional nut-jobs"


i seem to keep running into those and dating them

speaking of which, i'm hanging out with "amber the ex" today

and "amber the gecko" says hey