Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I just couldn't do it...

So...I'm kind of a nerd/overacheiver/perfectionist (only selectively). And I'm in a Geography class. This week I had the opportunity to try something new. Take a test with not having been to one lecture on the subject matter and without cracking open the chapters. Here's the thing. We get to drop a test...so I KNEW this test was going to be dropped anyway.

I'm weak.

I caved in the last 45 minutes before class. I skimmed the chapters.

I got a B.


The Ish said...

ha...your N.E.R.D. picture made me laugh...you are clever sometimes...

Julie Hibbard said...

so you finally got a hold of someone at CSUF? Is this the class so you can get the sheepskin?
Good for you. If you need extra geography help, you can go to the bathroom at my house. Everyone comes out with a greater knowledge of the world after that! :)

Allison said...

Alanna, I'm so proud of you! I knew you couldn't do it!

I couldn't have done it either.

Was there anything on Urban Heat Islands?

Alanna Moine said...

no urban heat islands...

BUT...part of it was on the rainforest...and I had just watched "Planet Earth" on the rainforest...so that contributed to my B. Thank you Discovery Channel